Checking In

I didn’t quite know what we readers would be getting here, but let me tell you! This book gave what it was supposed to give! Michelle is honest without telling all her and her folks’ business, while doing her part to advocate for mental health awareness.

Checking In pleasantly surprised me. Ms. Williams was a guest on my sorority’s program about mental health awareness right before the book was released. I decided to register to drop in for a few and hear her. You know, see what was what. She was amazing! I loved her personality and knew I had to read this book. I’m glad I did!

This book is part memoir, part self-help. It does have a Christianity slant but she’s not overly preachy. Religion doesn’t take over the entire book. So if religion isn’t quite your thing, you can skip/skim it and keep on pushing to the next paragraph.

Additionally, for those y’all who wanna get in her business, yes, she discusses her relationship. For the record, I thought doing the show was a bad idea. Unless you NEED the money and your relationship is solid as a rock, chile, no. I digress…

Anyway, I appreciate Michelle’s candor, vulnerability, and advice. If I don’t do anything else now, I check in with myself, especially when I feel the crazy start to creep up. Listen, none of us are exempt from life. There will be ups and downs; there will be disappointments, grief. There will also be happiness. Check in with yourself; listen to yourself and your intuition. Seek help if you need it. There is no shame in taking care of your mental health.

In short, I immensely enjoyed this book and recommend it. I learned a lot about Michelle. I identified with her, related to her, and hell, I like her! I’m so happy she decided to share her story. Sharing helps others, and you never know who you could be saving.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Thomas Nelson Books, for granting me an ARC to read and provide my honest review!

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